Member Profile
Location: LAFAYETTE, IN, U.S.A.
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Notes: I would like to thank my friend John S. for his help. In am not mechanically inclined, and live in a small apartment. He is more mechanically inclined than I am, and has a garage where my Bronco spent several months on jack stands while I purchased many parts that I did not know I would need when this all started. He did all the mechanical work on my truck ( except for a couple things he is not able to do because he does not have a few pieces of very expensive special equipment that are super pricey ), and was a life saver for my wallet!!
Created: 7/24/2015
Last Modified: 7/30/2015
Profile Hits: 220

Registry Entries
Image Model Nickname Hits Updated
1995 Ford Bronco 95 OJ  4 0 0  0  1,976  9/15/2015
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131 hits | 75.46 KB | Posted: 2015-09-15

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134 hits | 73.19 KB | Posted: 2015-09-15

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751 hits | 88.6 KB | Posted: 2015-07-24

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294 hits | 88.52 KB | Posted: 2015-07-24

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